package PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode;
use base 'PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::Hybrid';
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '2.043'; # VERSION
use PDF::API2::Util;
use PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils;
=head1 NAME
PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode - Base class for one-dimensional barcodes
=head1 METHODS
=item $barcode = PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode->new($pdf, %options)
Creates a barcode form resource.
sub new {
my ($class, $pdf, %options) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($pdf);
$self->{' bfont'} = $options{'-font'};
$self->{' umzn'} = $options{'-umzn'} || 0; # (u)pper (m)ending (z)o(n)e
$self->{' lmzn'} = $options{'-lmzn'} || 0; # (l)ower (m)ending (z)o(n)e
$self->{' zone'} = $options{'-zone'} || 0; # barcode height
$self->{' quzn'} = $options{'-quzn'} || 0; # (qu)iet (z)o(n)e
$self->{' ofwt'} = $options{'-ofwt'} || 0.01; # (o)ver(f)low (w)id(t)h
$self->{' fnsz'} = $options{'-fnsz'}; # (f)o(n)t(s)i(z)e
$self->{' spcr'} = $options{'-spcr'} || ''; # (sp)a(c)e(r) between chars in label
$self->{' mils'} = $options{'-mils'} || 1000/72; # single barcode unit width. 1 mil = 1/1000 of one inch. 1000/72 - for backward compatibility
$self->{' color'} = $options{'-color'} || 'black'; # barcode color
return $self;
my %bar_widths = (
0 => 0,
1 => 1, 'a' => 1, 'A' => 1,
2 => 2, 'b' => 2, 'B' => 2,
3 => 3, 'c' => 3, 'C' => 3,
4 => 4, 'd' => 4, 'D' => 4,
5 => 5, 'e' => 5, 'E' => 5,
6 => 6, 'f' => 6, 'F' => 6,
7 => 7, 'g' => 7, 'G' => 7,
8 => 8, 'h' => 8, 'H' => 8,
9 => 9, 'i' => 9, 'I' => 9,
sub encode {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
my @bars = map { [ $self->encode_string($_), $_ ] } split //, $string;
return @bars;
sub encode_string {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
my $bar;
foreach my $character (split //, $string) {
$bar .= $self->encode_char($character);
return $bar;
sub drawbar {
my $self = shift();
my @sets = @{shift()};
my $caption = shift();
$self->fillcolor($self->{' color'});
$self->strokecolor($self->{' color'});
my $x = $self->{' quzn'};
my $is_space_next = 0;
my $wdt_factor = $self->{' mils'} / 1000 * 72;
foreach my $set (@sets) {
my ($code, $label);
if (ref($set)) {
($code, $label) = @{$set};
else {
$code = $set;
$label = undef;
my $code_width = 0;
my ($font_size, $y_label);
foreach my $bar (split //, $code) {
my $bar_width = $bar_widths{$bar} * $wdt_factor;
my ($y0, $y1);
if ($bar =~ /[0-9]/) {
$y0 = $self->{' quzn'} + $self->{' lmzn'};
$y1 = $self->{' quzn'} + $self->{' lmzn'} + $self->{' zone'} + $self->{' umzn'};
$y_label = $self->{' quzn'};
if ($self->{' fnsz'} and $self->{' lmzn'} < $self->{' fnsz'}) {
$y_label -= $self->{' fnsz'} * 0.8 - $self->{' lmzn'};
$font_size = $self->{' fnsz'} || $self->{' lmzn'};
elsif ($bar =~ /[a-z]/) {
$y0 = $self->{' quzn'};
$y1 = $self->{' quzn'} + $self->{' lmzn'} + $self->{' zone'} + $self->{' umzn'};
$y_label = $self->{' quzn'} + $self->{' lmzn'} + $self->{' zone'} + $self->{' umzn'} + 2;
$font_size = $self->{' fnsz'} || $self->{' umzn'};
elsif ($bar =~ /[A-Z]/) {
$y0 = $self->{' quzn'};
$y1 = $self->{' quzn'} + $self->{' lmzn'} + $self->{' zone'};
$font_size = $self->{' fnsz'} || $self->{' umzn'};
$y_label = $self->{' quzn'} + $self->{' lmzn'} + $self->{' zone'} + $self->{' umzn'} - $font_size;
else {
$y0 = $self->{' quzn'} + $self->{' lmzn'};
$y1 = $self->{' quzn'} + $self->{' lmzn'} + $self->{' zone'} + $self->{' umzn'};
$y_label = $self->{' quzn'};
$font_size = $self->{' fnsz'} || $self->{' lmzn'};
unless ($is_space_next or $bar eq '0') {
$self->linewidth($bar_width - $self->{' ofwt'});
$self->move($x + $code_width + $bar_width / 2, $y0);
$self->line($x + $code_width + $bar_width / 2, $y1);
$is_space_next = not $is_space_next;
$code_width += $bar_width;
if (defined($label) and $self->{' lmzn'}) {
$label = join($self->{' spcr'}, split //, $label);
$self->translate($x + ($code_width / 2), $y_label);
$self->font($self->{' bfont'}, $font_size);
$x += $code_width;
$x += $self->{' quzn'};
if (defined $caption) {
my $font_size = $self->{' fnsz'} || $self->{' lmzn'};
my $y_caption = $self->{' quzn'} - $font_size;
$self->translate($x / 2, $y_caption);
$self->font($self->{' bfont'}, $font_size);
$self->{' w'} = $x;
$self->{' h'} = 2 * $self->{' quzn'} + $self->{' lmzn'} + $self->{' zone'} + $self->{' umzn'};
$self->bbox(0, 0, $self->{' w'}, $self->{' h'});
=item $width = $barcode->width()
sub width {
my $self = shift();
return $self->{' w'};
=item $height = $barcode->height()
sub height {
my $self = shift();
return $self->{' h'};