package PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF;
use base 'PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Image';
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
our $VERSION = '2.043'; # VERSION
use Compress::Zlib;
use PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils;
use PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF::File;
use PDF::API2::Util;
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
=head1 NAME
PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF - TIFF image support
=head1 METHODS
=item $res = PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF->new $pdf, $file [, $name]
Returns a tiff-image object.
sub new {
my ($class, $pdf, $file, $name) = @_;
my $self;
my $tif = PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF::File->new($file);
# in case of problematic things
# proxy to other modules
$class = ref($class) if ref($class);
$self = $class->SUPER::new($pdf, $name || 'Ix' . pdfkey());
$pdf->new_obj($self) unless $self->is_obj($pdf);
$self->{' apipdf'} = $pdf;
weaken $self->{' apipdf'};
$self->read_tiff($pdf, $tif);
return $self;
sub deLZW {
my ($ibits, $stream) = @_;
my $bits = $ibits;
my $resetcode = 1 << ($ibits - 1);
my $endcode = $resetcode + 1;
my $nextcode = $endcode + 1;
my $ptr = 0;
$stream = unpack('B*', $stream);
my $maxptr = length($stream);
my $tag;
my $out = '';
my $outptr = 0;
# print STDERR "reset=$resetcode\nend=$endcode\nmax=$maxptr\n";
my @d = map { chr($_) } (0 .. $resetcode - 1);
while (($ptr + $bits) <= $maxptr) {
foreach my $off (reverse 1 .. $bits) {
$tag <<= 1;
$tag |= substr($stream, $ptr + $bits - $off, 1);
# print STDERR "ptr=$ptr,tag=$tag,bits=$bits,next=$nextcode\n";
# print STDERR "tag to large\n" if($tag>$nextcode);
$ptr += $bits;
if ($tag == $resetcode) {
$bits = $ibits;
$nextcode = $endcode + 1;
elsif ($tag == $endcode) {
elsif ($tag < $resetcode) {
$d[$nextcode] = $d[$tag];
$out .= $d[$nextcode];
elsif ($tag > $endcode) {
$d[$nextcode] = $d[$tag];
$d[$nextcode] .= substr($d[$tag + 1], 0, 1);
$out .= $d[$nextcode];
$bits++ if $nextcode == (1 << $bits);
return $out;
sub handle_generic {
my ($self, $pdf, $tif) = @_;
if ($tif->{'filter'}) {
# should we die here?
# die "unknown tiff-compression";
$self->{' nofilt'} = 1;
else {
if (ref($tif->{'imageOffset'})) {
$self->{' stream'} = '';
my $d = scalar @{$tif->{'imageOffset'}};
foreach (1..$d) {
my $buf;
$tif->{'fh'}->seek(shift(@{$tif->{'imageOffset'}}), 0);
$tif->{'fh'}->read($buf, shift(@{$tif->{'imageLength'}}));
$self->{' stream'} .= $buf;
else {
$tif->{'fh'}->seek($tif->{'imageOffset'}, 0);
$tif->{'fh'}->read($self->{' stream'}, $tif->{'imageLength'});
return $self;
sub handle_flate {
my ($self, $pdf, $tif) = @_;
if (ref($tif->{'imageOffset'})) {
$self->{' stream'} = '';
my $d = scalar @{$tif->{'imageOffset'}};
foreach (1 .. $d) {
my $buf;
$tif->{'fh'}->read($buf, shift(@{$tif->{'imageLength'}}));
$self->{' stream'} .= $buf;
else {
$tif->{'fh'}->seek($tif->{'imageOffset'}, 0);
$tif->{'fh'}->read($self->{' stream'}, $tif->{'imageLength'});
$self->{' stream'} = uncompress($self->{' stream'});
return $self;
sub handle_lzw {
my ($self, $pdf, $tif) = @_;
my $imageWidth = $tif->{'imageWidth'};
my $mod = $imageWidth % 8;
if ($mod > 0) {
$imageWidth += 8 - $mod;
my $max_raw_strip = $imageWidth * $tif->{'bitsPerSample'} * $tif->{'RowsPerStrip'} / 8;
if (ref($tif->{'imageOffset'})) {
$self->{' stream'}='';
my $d = scalar @{$tif->{'imageOffset'}};
foreach (1 .. $d) {
my $buf;
$tif->{'fh'}->seek(shift(@{$tif->{imageOffset}}), 0);
$tif->{'fh'}->read($buf, shift(@{$tif->{'imageLength'}}));
$buf = deLZW(9, $buf);
if (length($buf) > $max_raw_strip) {
$buf = substr($buf, 0, $max_raw_strip);
$self->{' stream'} .= $buf;
else {
$tif->{'fh'}->seek($tif->{'imageOffset'}, 0);
$tif->{'fh'}->read($self->{' stream'}, $tif->{'imageLength'});
$self->{' stream'} = deLZW(9, $self->{' stream'});
return $self;
sub handle_ccitt {
my ($self, $pdf, $tif) = @_;
$self->{' nofilt'} = 1;
$self->{'Filter'} = PDFName('CCITTFaxDecode');
$self->{'DecodeParms'} = PDFDict();
$self->{'DecodeParms'}->{'K'} = (($tif->{'ccitt'} == 4 || ($tif->{'g3Options'} & 0x1)) ? PDFNum(-1) : PDFNum(0));
$self->{'DecodeParms'}->{'Columns'} = PDFNum($tif->{'imageWidth'});
$self->{'DecodeParms'}->{'Rows'} = PDFNum($tif->{'imageHeight'});
$self->{'DecodeParms'}->{'Blackls1'} = PDFBool($tif->{'whiteIsZero'} == 1 ? 1 : 0);
if (defined($tif->{'g3Options'}) && ($tif->{'g3Options'} & 0x4)) {
$self->{'DecodeParms'}->{'EndOfLine'} = PDFBool(1);
$self->{'DecodeParms'}->{'EncodedByteAlign'} = PDFBool(1);
# $self->{'DecodeParms'} = PDFArray($self->{'DecodeParms'});
$self->{'DecodeParms'}->{'DamagedRowsBeforeError'} = PDFNum(100);
if (ref($tif->{'imageOffset'})) {
die "chunked ccitt g4 tif not supported.";
else {
$tif->{'fh'}->seek($tif->{'imageOffset'}, 0);
$tif->{'fh'}->read($self->{' stream'}, $tif->{'imageLength'});
return $self;
sub read_tiff {
my ($self, $pdf, $tif) = @_;
if ($tif->{'colorSpace'} eq 'Indexed') {
my $dict = PDFDict();
$self->colorspace(PDFArray(PDFName($tif->{'colorSpace'}), PDFName('DeviceRGB'), PDFNum(255), $dict));
$dict->{'Filter'} = PDFArray(PDFName('FlateDecode'));
$tif->{'fh'}->seek($tif->{'colorMapOffset'}, 0);
my $colormap;
my $straight;
$tif->{'fh'}->read($colormap, $tif->{'colorMapLength'});
$dict->{' stream'} = '';
$straight .= pack('C', ($_ / 256)) for unpack($tif->{'short'} . '*', $colormap);
foreach my $c (0 .. (($tif->{'colorMapSamples'} / 3) - 1)) {
$dict->{' stream'} .= substr($straight, $c, 1);
$dict->{' stream'} .= substr($straight, $c + ($tif->{'colorMapSamples'} / 3), 1);
$dict->{' stream'} .= substr($straight, $c + ($tif->{'colorMapSamples'} / 3) * 2, 1);
else {
$self->{'Interpolate'} = PDFBool(1);
if ($tif->{'whiteIsZero'} == 1 && $tif->{'filter'} ne 'CCITTFaxDecode') {
$self->{'Decode'} = PDFArray(PDFNum(1), PDFNum(0));
# check filters and handle seperately
if (defined $tif->{'filter'} and $tif->{'filter'} eq 'CCITTFaxDecode') {
$self->handle_ccitt($pdf, $tif);
elsif (defined $tif->{'filter'} and $tif->{'filter'} eq 'LZWDecode') {
$self->handle_lzw($pdf, $tif);
elsif (defined $tif->{'filter'} and $tif->{filter} eq 'FlateDecode') {
$self->handle_flate($pdf, $tif);
else {
$self->handle_generic($pdf, $tif);
if ($tif->{'fillOrder'} == 2) {
my @bl = ();
foreach my $n (0 .. 255) {
my $b = $n;
my $f = 0;
foreach (0 .. 7) {
my $bit = 0;
if ($b & 0x1) {
$bit = 1;
$b >>= 1;
$f <<= 1;
$f |= $bit;
$bl[$n] = $f;
my $l = length($self->{' stream'}) - 1;
foreach my $n (0 .. $l) {
vec($self->{' stream'}, $n, 8) = $bl[vec($self->{' stream'}, $n, 8)];
$self->{' tiff'} = $tif;
return $self;
=item $value = $tif->tiffTag $tag
returns the value of the internal tiff-tag.
B<Useful Tags:>
imageDescription, imageId (strings)
xRes, yRes (dpi; pixel/cm if resUnit==3)
sub tiffTag {
my ($self, $tag) = @_;
return $self->{' tiff'}->{$tag};