* pg_proc.h
* definition of the "procedure" system catalog (pg_proc)
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h
* The Catalog.pm module reads this file and derives schema
* information.
#ifndef PG_PROC_H
#define PG_PROC_H
#include "catalog/genbki.h"
#include "catalog/pg_proc_d.h"
#include "catalog/objectaddress.h"
#include "nodes/pg_list.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_proc definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_proc
* ----------------
CATALOG(pg_proc,1255,ProcedureRelationId) BKI_BOOTSTRAP BKI_ROWTYPE_OID(81,ProcedureRelation_Rowtype_Id) BKI_SCHEMA_MACRO
/* procedure name */
NameData proname;
/* OID of namespace containing this proc */
Oid pronamespace BKI_DEFAULT(PGNSP);
/* procedure owner */
Oid proowner BKI_DEFAULT(PGUID);
/* OID of pg_language entry */
Oid prolang BKI_DEFAULT(12);
/* estimated execution cost */
float4 procost BKI_DEFAULT(1);
/* estimated # of rows out (if proretset) */
float4 prorows BKI_DEFAULT(0);
/* element type of variadic array, or 0 */
Oid provariadic BKI_DEFAULT(0) BKI_LOOKUP(pg_type);
/* transforms calls to it during planning */
regproc protransform BKI_DEFAULT(0) BKI_LOOKUP(pg_proc);
/* see PROKIND_ categories below */
char prokind BKI_DEFAULT(f);
/* security definer */
bool prosecdef BKI_DEFAULT(f);
/* is it a leak-proof function? */
bool proleakproof BKI_DEFAULT(f);
/* strict with respect to NULLs? */
bool proisstrict BKI_DEFAULT(t);
/* returns a set? */
bool proretset BKI_DEFAULT(f);
/* see PROVOLATILE_ categories below */
char provolatile BKI_DEFAULT(i);
/* see PROPARALLEL_ categories below */
char proparallel BKI_DEFAULT(s);
/* number of arguments */
/* Note: need not be given in pg_proc.dat; genbki.pl will compute it */
int16 pronargs;
/* number of arguments with defaults */
int16 pronargdefaults BKI_DEFAULT(0);
/* OID of result type */
Oid prorettype BKI_LOOKUP(pg_type);
* variable-length fields start here, but we allow direct access to
* proargtypes
/* parameter types (excludes OUT params) */
oidvector proargtypes BKI_LOOKUP(pg_type);
/* all param types (NULL if IN only) */
Oid proallargtypes[1] BKI_DEFAULT(_null_) BKI_LOOKUP(pg_type);
/* parameter modes (NULL if IN only) */
char proargmodes[1] BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);
/* parameter names (NULL if no names) */
text proargnames[1] BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);
/* list of expression trees for argument defaults (NULL if none) */
pg_node_tree proargdefaults BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);
/* types for which to apply transforms */
Oid protrftypes[1] BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);
/* procedure source text */
text prosrc BKI_FORCE_NOT_NULL;
/* secondary procedure info (can be NULL) */
text probin BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);
/* procedure-local GUC settings */
text proconfig[1] BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);
/* access permissions */
aclitem proacl[1] BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);
} FormData_pg_proc;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_proc corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_proc relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_proc *Form_pg_proc;
* Symbolic values for prokind column
#define PROKIND_WINDOW 'w'
* Symbolic values for provolatile column: these indicate whether the result
* of a function is dependent *only* on the values of its explicit arguments,
* or can change due to outside factors (such as parameter variables or
* table contents). NOTE: functions having side-effects, such as setval(),
* must be labeled volatile to ensure they will not get optimized away,
* even if the actual return value is not changeable.
#define PROVOLATILE_IMMUTABLE 'i' /* never changes for given input */
#define PROVOLATILE_STABLE 's' /* does not change within a scan */
#define PROVOLATILE_VOLATILE 'v' /* can change even within a scan */
* Symbolic values for proparallel column: these indicate whether a function
* can be safely be run in a parallel backend, during parallelism but
* necessarily in the master, or only in non-parallel mode.
#define PROPARALLEL_SAFE 's' /* can run in worker or master */
#define PROPARALLEL_RESTRICTED 'r' /* can run in parallel master only */
#define PROPARALLEL_UNSAFE 'u' /* banned while in parallel mode */
* Symbolic values for proargmodes column. Note that these must agree with
* the FunctionParameterMode enum in parsenodes.h; we declare them here to
* be accessible from either header.
#define PROARGMODE_IN 'i'
#define PROARGMODE_OUT 'o'
extern ObjectAddress ProcedureCreate(const char *procedureName,
Oid procNamespace,
bool replace,
bool returnsSet,
Oid returnType,
Oid proowner,
Oid languageObjectId,
Oid languageValidator,
const char *prosrc,
const char *probin,
char prokind,
bool security_definer,
bool isLeakProof,
bool isStrict,
char volatility,
char parallel,
oidvector *parameterTypes,
Datum allParameterTypes,
Datum parameterModes,
Datum parameterNames,
List *parameterDefaults,
Datum trftypes,
Datum proconfig,
float4 procost,
float4 prorows);
extern bool function_parse_error_transpose(const char *prosrc);
extern List *oid_array_to_list(Datum datum);
#endif /* PG_PROC_H */