package Collectd::Graph::Type::TableSize;
# Copyright (C) 2008,2009 Florian octo Forster <octo at>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; only version 2 of the License is applicable.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
use strict;
use warnings;
use base ('Collectd::Graph::Type');
use Collectd::Graph::Common (qw($ColorCanvas $ColorFullBlue $ColorHalfBlue
ident_to_filename sanitize_type_instance
get_random_color sort_idents_by_type_instance));
use RRDs ();
return (1);
sub _get_last_value
my $ident = shift;
my $value = undef;
my $filename = ident_to_filename ($ident);
my ($start ,$step ,$names ,$data) = RRDs::fetch ($filename, 'AVERAGE', '-s', '-3600');
if (my $errmsg = RRDs::error ())
print STDERR "RRDs::fetch ($filename) failed: $errmsg\n";
for (@$data)
my $line = $_;
for (@$line)
my $ds = $_;
if (defined ($ds))
$value = $ds;
} # for (@$data)
return ($value);
} # _get_last_value
sub getLastValues
my $obj = shift;
my $last_value = {};
if (exists ($obj->{'last_value'}))
return ($obj->{'last_value'});
for (@{$obj->{'files'}})
my $file = $_;
$last_value->{$file} = _get_last_value ($file);
$obj->{'last_value'} = $last_value;
return ($obj->{'last_value'});
} # getLastValues
sub _group_files
my $obj = shift;
my $data = [];
my @files;
my $last_values;
$last_values = $obj->getLastValues ();
@files = sort
if (!defined ($last_values->{$a}) && !defined ($last_values->{$b}))
return (0);
elsif (!defined ($last_values->{$a}))
return (1);
elsif (!defined ($last_values->{$b}))
return (-1);
return ($last_values->{$a} <=> $last_values->{$b});
} (@{$obj->{'files'}});
for (my $i = 0; $i < @files; $i++)
my $file = $files[$i];
my $j = int ($i / 10);
$data->[$j] ||= [];
push (@{$data->[$j]}, $file);
return ($data);
} # _group_files
sub getGraphsNum
my $obj = shift;
my $group = _group_files ($obj);
return (0 + @$group);
sub getRRDArgs
my $obj = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $group = _group_files ($obj);
my $rrd_opts = $obj->{'rrd_opts'} || [];
my $format = $obj->{'rrd_format'} || '%5.1lf';
my $idents = $group->[$index];
my $ds_name_len = 0;
my $ds = $obj->getDataSources ();
if (!$ds)
confess ("obj->getDataSources failed.");
if (@$ds != 1)
confess ("I can only work with RRD files that have "
. "exactly one data source!");
my $data_source = $ds->[0];
my $rrd_title = $obj->getTitle ($idents->[0]);
my $colors = $obj->{'rrd_colors'} || {};
my @ret = ('-t', $rrd_title, @$rrd_opts);
if (defined $obj->{'rrd_vertical'})
push (@ret, '-v', $obj->{'rrd_vertical'});
if ($obj->{'custom_order'})
sort_idents_by_type_instance ($idents, $obj->{'custom_order'});
$obj->{'ds_names'} ||= {};
my @names = map { $obj->{'ds_names'}{$_->{'type_instance'}} || $_->{'type_instance'} } (@$idents);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$idents; $i++)
my $ident = $idents->[$i];
my $filename = ident_to_filename ($ident);
if ($ds_name_len < length ($names[$i]))
$ds_name_len = length ($names[$i]);
# Escape colons _after_ the length has been checked.
$names[$i] =~ s/:/\\:/g;
push (@ret,
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$idents; $i++)
my $type_instance = $idents->[$i]{'type_instance'};
my $ds_name = sprintf ("%-*s", $ds_name_len, $names[$i]);
my $color = '000000';
if (exists $colors->{$type_instance})
$color = $colors->{$type_instance};
$color = get_random_color ();
push (@ret,
"GPRINT:min${i}:MIN:${format} Min,",
"GPRINT:avg${i}:AVERAGE:${format} Avg,",
"GPRINT:max${i}:MAX:${format} Max,",
"GPRINT:avg${i}:LAST:${format} Last\\l");
return (\@ret);
sub getGraphArgs
my $obj = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $group = _group_files ($obj);
my $idents = $group->[$index];
my @args = ();
for (qw(hostname plugin plugin_instance type))
if (defined ($idents->[0]{$_}))
push (@args, $_ . '=' . $idents->[0]{$_});
push (@args, "index=$index");
return (join (';', @args));
} # getGraphArgs
# vim: set shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 tabstop=8 :