use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
This script takes the change log from one of the "Version x.y" pages in
collectd's wiki and converts it to the format used by the "ChangeLog" file.
This is usually done as part of the release process.
our %GithubUsers = (
'Mfournier' => '@mfournier',
'Octo' => '@octo',
'Tokkee' => '@tokkee',
sub format_link
my $page = shift;
my $text = @_ ? shift : $page;
if ($page =~ m/^User:([A-Z][a-z]*)$/) {
if (exists ($GithubUsers{$1})) {
return $GithubUsers{$1};
$page =~ s# #_#g;
return "[$text](https://collectd.org/wiki/index.php/$page)";
while (<>)
my $line = $_;
if ($line =~ m#^\* (.*)#) {
$line = $1;
} else {
$line =~ s#(?<!\[)\[([^\s\]]+)\s+([^\]]+)\](?!\])#[$2]($1)#g;
$line =~ s#\{\{Plugin\|([^}]+)\}\}#format_link("Plugin:$1", "$1 plugin")#ge;
$line =~ s@\{\{Issue\|([^}]+)\}\}@#$1@g;
$line =~ s#\[\[([^|\]]+)\|([^\]]+)\]\]#format_link($1, $2)#ge;
$line =~ s#\[\[([^|\]]+)\]\]#format_link($1)#ge;
$line =~ s#('')?Ruben Kerkhof('')?#\@rubenk#g;
$line =~ s#('')?Pavel Rochnyak('')?#\@rpv-tomsk#g;
$line =~ s#('')?Maryam Tahhan('')?#\@maryamtahhan#g;
$line =~ s#('')?Florian Forster('')?#\@octo#g;
$line =~ s#'''(.*?)'''#**$1**#g;
$line =~ s#''(.*?)''#*$1*#g;
$line =~ s#<code>(.*?)</code>#`$1`#g;
print "$line\n";