# An example showing all 48 default chart styles available in Excel 2007
# using Excel::Writer::XLSX.. Note, these styles are not the same as the
# styles available in Excel 2013.
# reverse ('(c)'), March 2015, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org
use strict;
use warnings;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX;
my $workbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( 'chart_styles.xlsx' );
# Show the styles for all of these chart types.
my @chart_types = ( 'column', 'area', 'line', 'pie' );
for my $chart_type ( @chart_types ) {
# Add a worksheet for each chart type.
my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet( ucfirst( $chart_type ) );
$worksheet->set_zoom( 30 );
my $style_number = 1;
# Create 48 charts, each with a different style.
for ( my $row_num = 0 ; $row_num < 90 ; $row_num += 15 ) {
for ( my $col_num = 0 ; $col_num < 64 ; $col_num += 8 ) {
my $chart = $workbook->add_chart(
type => $chart_type,
embedded => 1
$chart->add_series( values => '=Data!$A$1:$A$6' );
$chart->set_title( name => 'Style ' . $style_number );
$chart->set_legend( none => 1 );
$chart->set_style( $style_number );
$worksheet->insert_chart( $row_num, $col_num, $chart );
# Create a worksheet with data for the charts.
my $data = [ 10, 40, 50, 20, 10, 50 ];
my $data_worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet( 'Data' );
$data_worksheet->write_col( 'A1', $data );