use strict;
use warnings;
use Scalar::Util 'reftype', 'blessed';
use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;
use Class::MOP;
use Class::MOP::Attribute;
use Class::MOP::Method;
isnt( exception { Class::MOP::Attribute->name }, undef, q{... can't call name() as a class method} );
my $attr = Class::MOP::Attribute->new('$foo');
isa_ok($attr, 'Class::MOP::Attribute');
is($attr->name, '$foo', '... $attr->name == $foo');
ok($attr->has_init_arg, '... $attr does have an init_arg');
is($attr->init_arg, '$foo', '... $attr init_arg is the name');
ok(!$attr->has_accessor, '... $attr does not have an accessor');
ok(!$attr->has_reader, '... $attr does not have an reader');
ok(!$attr->has_writer, '... $attr does not have an writer');
ok(!$attr->has_default, '... $attr does not have an default');
ok(!$attr->has_builder, '... $attr does not have a builder');
my $reader = $attr->get_read_method_ref;
my $writer = $attr->get_write_method_ref;
ok(!blessed($reader), '... it is a plain old sub');
ok(!blessed($writer), '... it is a plain old sub');
is(reftype($reader), 'CODE', '... it is a plain old sub');
is(reftype($writer), 'CODE', '... it is a plain old sub');
my $class = Class::MOP::Class->initialize('Foo');
isa_ok($class, 'Class::MOP::Class');
is( exception {
}, undef, '... attached a class successfully' );
is($attr->associated_class, $class, '... the class was associated correctly');
ok(!$attr->get_read_method, '... $attr does not have an read method');
ok(!$attr->get_write_method, '... $attr does not have an write method');
my $reader = $attr->get_read_method_ref;
my $writer = $attr->get_write_method_ref;
ok(blessed($reader), '... it is a plain old sub');
ok(blessed($writer), '... it is a plain old sub');
isa_ok($reader, 'Class::MOP::Method');
isa_ok($writer, 'Class::MOP::Method');
my $attr_clone = $attr->clone();
isa_ok($attr_clone, 'Class::MOP::Attribute');
isnt($attr, $attr_clone, '... but they are different instances');
is($attr->associated_class, $attr_clone->associated_class, '... the associated classes are the same though');
is($attr->associated_class, $class, '... the associated classes are the same though');
is($attr_clone->associated_class, $class, '... the associated classes are the same though');
is_deeply($attr, $attr_clone, '... but they are the same inside');
my $attr = Class::MOP::Attribute->new('$foo', (
init_arg => '-foo',
default => 'BAR'
isa_ok($attr, 'Class::MOP::Attribute');
is($attr->name, '$foo', '... $attr->name == $foo');
ok($attr->has_init_arg, '... $attr does have an init_arg');
is($attr->init_arg, '-foo', '... $attr->init_arg == -foo');
ok($attr->has_default, '... $attr does have an default');
is($attr->default, 'BAR', '... $attr->default == BAR');
ok(!$attr->has_builder, '... $attr does not have a builder');
ok(!$attr->has_accessor, '... $attr does not have an accessor');
ok(!$attr->has_reader, '... $attr does not have an reader');
ok(!$attr->has_writer, '... $attr does not have an writer');
ok(!$attr->get_read_method, '... $attr does not have an read method');
ok(!$attr->get_write_method, '... $attr does not have an write method');
my $reader = $attr->get_read_method_ref;
my $writer = $attr->get_write_method_ref;
ok(!blessed($reader), '... it is a plain old sub');
ok(!blessed($writer), '... it is a plain old sub');
is(reftype($reader), 'CODE', '... it is a plain old sub');
is(reftype($writer), 'CODE', '... it is a plain old sub');
my $attr_clone = $attr->clone();
isa_ok($attr_clone, 'Class::MOP::Attribute');
isnt($attr, $attr_clone, '... but they are different instances');
is($attr->associated_class, $attr_clone->associated_class, '... the associated classes are the same though');
is($attr->associated_class, undef, '... the associated class is actually undef');
is($attr_clone->associated_class, undef, '... the associated class is actually undef');
is_deeply($attr, $attr_clone, '... but they are the same inside');
my $attr = Class::MOP::Attribute->new('$foo', (
accessor => 'foo',
init_arg => '-foo',
default => 'BAR'
isa_ok($attr, 'Class::MOP::Attribute');
is($attr->name, '$foo', '... $attr->name == $foo');
ok($attr->has_init_arg, '... $attr does have an init_arg');
is($attr->init_arg, '-foo', '... $attr->init_arg == -foo');
ok($attr->has_default, '... $attr does have an default');
is($attr->default, 'BAR', '... $attr->default == BAR');
ok($attr->has_accessor, '... $attr does have an accessor');
is($attr->accessor, 'foo', '... $attr->accessor == foo');
ok(!$attr->has_reader, '... $attr does not have an reader');
ok(!$attr->has_writer, '... $attr does not have an writer');
is($attr->get_read_method, 'foo', '... $attr does not have an read method');
is($attr->get_write_method, 'foo', '... $attr does not have an write method');
my $reader = $attr->get_read_method_ref;
my $writer = $attr->get_write_method_ref;
ok(!blessed($reader), '... it is not a plain old sub');
ok(!blessed($writer), '... it is not a plain old sub');
is(reftype($reader), 'CODE', '... it is a plain old sub');
is(reftype($writer), 'CODE', '... it is a plain old sub');
my $attr_clone = $attr->clone();
isa_ok($attr_clone, 'Class::MOP::Attribute');
isnt($attr, $attr_clone, '... but they are different instances');
is_deeply($attr, $attr_clone, '... but they are the same inside');
my $attr = Class::MOP::Attribute->new('$foo', (
reader => 'get_foo',
writer => 'set_foo',
init_arg => '-foo',
default => 'BAR'
isa_ok($attr, 'Class::MOP::Attribute');
is($attr->name, '$foo', '... $attr->name == $foo');
ok($attr->has_init_arg, '... $attr does have an init_arg');
is($attr->init_arg, '-foo', '... $attr->init_arg == -foo');
ok($attr->has_default, '... $attr does have an default');
is($attr->default, 'BAR', '... $attr->default == BAR');
ok($attr->has_reader, '... $attr does have an reader');
is($attr->reader, 'get_foo', '... $attr->reader == get_foo');
ok($attr->has_writer, '... $attr does have an writer');
is($attr->writer, 'set_foo', '... $attr->writer == set_foo');
ok(!$attr->has_accessor, '... $attr does not have an accessor');
is($attr->get_read_method, 'get_foo', '... $attr does not have an read method');
is($attr->get_write_method, 'set_foo', '... $attr does not have an write method');
my $reader = $attr->get_read_method_ref;
my $writer = $attr->get_write_method_ref;
ok(!blessed($reader), '... it is not a plain old sub');
ok(!blessed($writer), '... it is not a plain old sub');
is(reftype($reader), 'CODE', '... it is a plain old sub');
is(reftype($writer), 'CODE', '... it is a plain old sub');
my $attr_clone = $attr->clone();
isa_ok($attr_clone, 'Class::MOP::Attribute');
isnt($attr, $attr_clone, '... but they are different instances');
is_deeply($attr, $attr_clone, '... but they are the same inside');
my $attr = Class::MOP::Attribute->new('$foo');
isa_ok($attr, 'Class::MOP::Attribute');
my $attr_clone = $attr->clone('name' => '$bar');
isa_ok($attr_clone, 'Class::MOP::Attribute');
isnt($attr, $attr_clone, '... but they are different instances');
isnt($attr->name, $attr_clone->name, '... we changes the name parameter');
is($attr->name, '$foo', '... $attr->name == $foo');
is($attr_clone->name, '$bar', '... $attr_clone->name == $bar');
my $attr = Class::MOP::Attribute->new('$foo', (builder => 'foo_builder'));
isa_ok($attr, 'Class::MOP::Attribute');
ok(!$attr->has_default, '... $attr does not have a default');
ok($attr->has_builder, '... $attr does have a builder');
is($attr->builder, 'foo_builder', '... $attr->builder == foo_builder');
for my $value ({}, bless({}, 'Foo')) {
like( exception {
Class::MOP::Attribute->new('$foo', default => $value);
}, qr/References are not allowed as default values/ );
my $attr;
is( exception {
my $meth = Class::MOP::Method->wrap(sub {shift}, name => 'foo', package_name => 'bar');
$attr = Class::MOP::Attribute->new('$foo', default => $meth);
}, undef, 'Class::MOP::Methods accepted as default' );
is($attr->default(42), 42, 'passthrough for default on attribute');