package # hide from PAUSE
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp 'confess';
use Algorithm::C3;
our $VERSION = '0.03';
use parent 'Class::MOP::Class';
my $_find_method = sub {
my ($class, $method) = @_;
foreach my $super ($class->class_precedence_list) {
return $super->meta->get_method($method)
if $super->meta->has_method($method);
C3MethodDispatchOrder->meta->add_around_method_modifier('initialize' => sub {
my $cont = shift;
my $meta = $cont->(@_);
# we need to look at $AUTOLOAD in the package where the coderef belongs
# if subname works, then it'll be where this AUTOLOAD method was installed
# otherwise, it'll be $C3MethodDispatchOrder::AUTOLOAD. get_code_info
# tells us where AUTOLOAD will look
my $autoload;
$autoload = sub {
my ($package) = Class::MOP::get_code_info($autoload);
my $label = ${ $package->meta->get_package_symbol('$AUTOLOAD') };
my $method_name = (split /\:\:/ => $label)[-1];
my $method = $_find_method->($_[0]->meta, $method_name);
(defined $method) || confess "Method ($method_name) not found";
goto &$method;
$meta->add_method('AUTOLOAD' => $autoload)
unless $meta->has_method('AUTOLOAD');
$meta->add_method('can' => sub {
$_find_method->($_[0]->meta, $_[1]);
}) unless $meta->has_method('can');
return $meta;
sub superclasses {
my $self = shift;
$self->add_package_symbol('@SUPERS' => [])
unless $self->has_package_symbol('@SUPERS');
if (@_) {
my @supers = @_;
@{$self->get_package_symbol('@SUPERS')} = @supers;
sub class_precedence_list {
my $self = shift;
return map {
} Algorithm::C3::merge($self, sub {
my $class = shift;
map { $_->meta } $class->superclasses;
=head1 NAME
C3MethodDispatchOrder - An example attribute metaclass for changing to C3 method dispatch order
# a classic diamond inheritence graph
# <A>
# / \
# <B> <C>
# \ /
# <D>
package A;
use metaclass 'C3MethodDispatchOrder';
sub hello { return "Hello from A" }
package B;
use metaclass 'C3MethodDispatchOrder';
package C;
use metaclass 'C3MethodDispatchOrder';
sub hello { return "Hello from C" }
package D;
use metaclass 'C3MethodDispatchOrder';
D->meta->superclasses('B', 'C');
print join ", " => D->meta->class_precedence_list; # prints C3 order D, B, C, A
# later in other code ...
print D->hello; # print 'Hello from C' instead of the normal 'Hello from A'
This is an example of how you could change the method dispatch order of a
class using L<Class::MOP>. Using the L<Algorithm::C3> module, this repleces
the normal depth-first left-to-right perl dispatch order with the C3 method
dispatch order (see the L<Algorithm::C3> or L<Class::C3> docs for more
information about this).
This example could be used as a template for other method dispatch orders
as well, all that is required is to write a the C<class_precedence_list> method
which will return a linearized list of classes to dispatch along.
=head1 AUTHORS
Stevan Little E<lt>stevan@iinteractive.comE<gt>
Yuval Kogman E<lt>nothingmuch@woobling.comE<gt>