#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Test::More 'no_plan';
use Test::Fatal;
$| = 1;
# =begin testing SETUP
package Eq;
use Moose::Role;
requires 'equal_to';
sub not_equal_to {
my ( $self, $other ) = @_;
not $self->equal_to($other);
package Comparable;
use Moose::Role;
with 'Eq';
requires 'compare';
sub equal_to {
my ( $self, $other ) = @_;
$self->compare($other) == 0;
sub greater_than {
my ( $self, $other ) = @_;
$self->compare($other) == 1;
sub less_than {
my ( $self, $other ) = @_;
$self->compare($other) == -1;
sub greater_than_or_equal_to {
my ( $self, $other ) = @_;
$self->greater_than($other) || $self->equal_to($other);
sub less_than_or_equal_to {
my ( $self, $other ) = @_;
$self->less_than($other) || $self->equal_to($other);
package Printable;
use Moose::Role;
requires 'to_string';
package US::Currency;
use Moose;
with 'Comparable', 'Printable';
has 'amount' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Num', default => 0 );
sub compare {
my ( $self, $other ) = @_;
$self->amount <=> $other->amount;
sub to_string {
my $self = shift;
sprintf '$%0.2f USD' => $self->amount;
# =begin testing
ok( US::Currency->does('Comparable'), '... US::Currency does Comparable' );
ok( US::Currency->does('Eq'), '... US::Currency does Eq' );
ok( US::Currency->does('Printable'), '... US::Currency does Printable' );
my $hundred = US::Currency->new( amount => 100.00 );
isa_ok( $hundred, 'US::Currency' );
ok( $hundred->DOES("US::Currency"), "UNIVERSAL::DOES for class" );
ok( $hundred->DOES("Comparable"), "UNIVERSAL::DOES for role" );
can_ok( $hundred, 'amount' );
is( $hundred->amount, 100, '... got the right amount' );
can_ok( $hundred, 'to_string' );
is( $hundred->to_string, '$100.00 USD',
'... got the right stringified value' );
ok( $hundred->does('Comparable'), '... US::Currency does Comparable' );
ok( $hundred->does('Eq'), '... US::Currency does Eq' );
ok( $hundred->does('Printable'), '... US::Currency does Printable' );
my $fifty = US::Currency->new( amount => 50.00 );
isa_ok( $fifty, 'US::Currency' );
can_ok( $fifty, 'amount' );
is( $fifty->amount, 50, '... got the right amount' );
can_ok( $fifty, 'to_string' );
is( $fifty->to_string, '$50.00 USD', '... got the right stringified value' );
ok( $hundred->greater_than($fifty), '... 100 gt 50' );
ok( $hundred->greater_than_or_equal_to($fifty), '... 100 ge 50' );
ok( !$hundred->less_than($fifty), '... !100 lt 50' );
ok( !$hundred->less_than_or_equal_to($fifty), '... !100 le 50' );
ok( !$hundred->equal_to($fifty), '... !100 eq 50' );
ok( $hundred->not_equal_to($fifty), '... 100 ne 50' );
ok( !$fifty->greater_than($hundred), '... !50 gt 100' );
ok( !$fifty->greater_than_or_equal_to($hundred), '... !50 ge 100' );
ok( $fifty->less_than($hundred), '... 50 lt 100' );
ok( $fifty->less_than_or_equal_to($hundred), '... 50 le 100' );
ok( !$fifty->equal_to($hundred), '... !50 eq 100' );
ok( $fifty->not_equal_to($hundred), '... 50 ne 100' );
ok( !$fifty->greater_than($fifty), '... !50 gt 50' );
ok( $fifty->greater_than_or_equal_to($fifty), '... !50 ge 50' );
ok( !$fifty->less_than($fifty), '... 50 lt 50' );
ok( $fifty->less_than_or_equal_to($fifty), '... 50 le 50' );
ok( $fifty->equal_to($fifty), '... 50 eq 50' );
ok( !$fifty->not_equal_to($fifty), '... !50 ne 50' );
## ... check some meta-stuff
# Eq
my $eq_meta = Eq->meta;
isa_ok( $eq_meta, 'Moose::Meta::Role' );
ok( $eq_meta->has_method('not_equal_to'), '... Eq has_method not_equal_to' );
ok( $eq_meta->requires_method('equal_to'),
'... Eq requires_method not_equal_to' );
# Comparable
my $comparable_meta = Comparable->meta;
isa_ok( $comparable_meta, 'Moose::Meta::Role' );
ok( $comparable_meta->does_role('Eq'), '... Comparable does Eq' );
foreach my $method_name (
equal_to not_equal_to
greater_than greater_than_or_equal_to
less_than less_than_or_equal_to
) {
ok( $comparable_meta->has_method($method_name),
'... Comparable has_method ' . $method_name );
ok( $comparable_meta->requires_method('compare'),
'... Comparable requires_method compare' );
# Printable
my $printable_meta = Printable->meta;
isa_ok( $printable_meta, 'Moose::Meta::Role' );
ok( $printable_meta->requires_method('to_string'),
'... Printable requires_method to_string' );
# US::Currency
my $currency_meta = US::Currency->meta;
isa_ok( $currency_meta, 'Moose::Meta::Class' );
ok( $currency_meta->does_role('Comparable'),
'... US::Currency does Comparable' );
ok( $currency_meta->does_role('Eq'), '... US::Currency does Eq' );
ok( $currency_meta->does_role('Printable'),
'... US::Currency does Printable' );
foreach my $method_name (
equal_to not_equal_to
greater_than greater_than_or_equal_to
less_than less_than_or_equal_to
) {
ok( $currency_meta->has_method($method_name),
'... US::Currency has_method ' . $method_name );