use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;
use Moose::Meta::Role;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints ();
package FooRole;
our $VERSION = '0.01';
sub foo { 'FooRole::foo' }
my $foo_role = Moose::Meta::Role->initialize('FooRole');
isa_ok($foo_role, 'Moose::Meta::Role');
isa_ok($foo_role, 'Class::MOP::Module');
is($foo_role->name, 'FooRole', '... got the right name of FooRole');
is($foo_role->version, '0.01', '... got the right version of FooRole');
# methods ...
ok($foo_role->has_method('foo'), '... FooRole has the foo method');
is($foo_role->get_method('foo')->body, \&FooRole::foo, '... FooRole got the foo method');
isa_ok($foo_role->get_method('foo'), 'Moose::Meta::Role::Method');
[ $foo_role->get_method_list() ],
[ 'foo' ],
'... got the right method list');
# attributes ...
[ $foo_role->get_attribute_list() ],
'... got the right attribute list');
ok(!$foo_role->has_attribute('bar'), '... FooRole does not have the bar attribute');
is( exception {
$foo_role->add_attribute('bar' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Foo'));
}, undef, '... added the bar attribute okay' );
[ $foo_role->get_attribute_list() ],
[ 'bar' ],
'... got the right attribute list');
ok($foo_role->has_attribute('bar'), '... FooRole does have the bar attribute');
my $bar = $foo_role->get_attribute('bar');
is_deeply( $bar->original_options, { is => 'rw', isa => 'Foo' },
'original options for bar attribute' );
my $bar_for_class = $bar->attribute_for_class('Moose::Meta::Attribute');
'bar has a Foo class type'
is( exception {
$foo_role->add_attribute('baz' => (is => 'ro'));
}, undef, '... added the baz attribute okay' );
[ sort $foo_role->get_attribute_list() ],
[ 'bar', 'baz' ],
'... got the right attribute list');
ok($foo_role->has_attribute('baz'), '... FooRole does have the baz attribute');
my $baz = $foo_role->get_attribute('baz');
is_deeply( $baz->original_options, { is => 'ro' },
'original options for baz attribute' );
is( exception {
}, undef, '... removed the bar attribute okay' );
[ $foo_role->get_attribute_list() ],
[ 'baz' ],
'... got the right attribute list');
ok(!$foo_role->has_attribute('bar'), '... FooRole does not have the bar attribute');
ok($foo_role->has_attribute('baz'), '... FooRole does still have the baz attribute');
# method modifiers
ok(!$foo_role->has_before_method_modifiers('boo'), '... no boo:before modifier');
my $method = sub { "FooRole::boo:before" };
is( exception {
$foo_role->add_before_method_modifier('boo' => $method);
}, undef, '... added a method modifier okay' );
ok($foo_role->has_before_method_modifiers('boo'), '... now we have a boo:before modifier');
is(($foo_role->get_before_method_modifiers('boo'))[0], $method, '... got the right method back');
[ $foo_role->get_method_modifier_list('before') ],
[ 'boo' ],
'... got the right list of before method modifiers');