use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
package Role::Foo;
use Moose::Role;
sub foo { (caller(0))[3] }
package ClassA;
use Moose;
with 'Role::Foo';
my $meth = ClassA->meta->get_method('foo');
ok( $meth, 'ClassA has a foo method' );
isa_ok( $meth, 'Moose::Meta::Method' );
is( $meth->original_method, Role::Foo->meta->get_method('foo'),
'ClassA->foo was cloned from Role::Foo->foo' );
is( $meth->fully_qualified_name, 'ClassA::foo',
'fq name is ClassA::foo' );
is( $meth->original_fully_qualified_name, 'Role::Foo::foo',
'original fq name is Role::Foo::foo' );
package Role::Bar;
use Moose::Role;
with 'Role::Foo';
sub bar { }
my $meth = Role::Bar->meta->get_method('foo');
ok( $meth, 'Role::Bar has a foo method' );
is( $meth->original_method, Role::Foo->meta->get_method('foo'),
'Role::Bar->foo was cloned from Role::Foo->foo' );
is( $meth->fully_qualified_name, 'Role::Bar::foo',
'fq name is Role::Bar::foo' );
is( $meth->original_fully_qualified_name, 'Role::Foo::foo',
'original fq name is Role::Foo::foo' );
package ClassB;
use Moose;
with 'Role::Bar';
my $meth = ClassB->meta->get_method('foo');
ok( $meth, 'ClassB has a foo method' );
is( $meth->original_method, Role::Bar->meta->get_method('foo'),
'ClassA->foo was cloned from Role::Bar->foo' );
is( $meth->original_method->original_method, Role::Foo->meta->get_method('foo'),
'... which in turn was cloned from Role::Foo->foo' );
is( $meth->fully_qualified_name, 'ClassB::foo',
'fq name is ClassA::foo' );
is( $meth->original_fully_qualified_name, 'Role::Foo::foo',
'original fq name is Role::Foo::foo' );
isnt( ClassA->foo, "ClassB::foo", "ClassA::foo is not confused with ClassB::foo");
is( ClassB->foo, 'Role::Foo::foo', 'ClassB::foo knows its name' );
is( ClassA->foo, 'Role::Foo::foo', 'ClassA::foo knows its name' );