use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
package Foo::Role;
use Moose::Role;
has 'a' => (is => 'ro');
has 'b' => (is => 'ro');
has 'c' => (is => 'ro');
package Foo;
use Moose;
has 'd' => (is => 'ro');
with 'Foo::Role';
has 'e' => (is => 'ro');
my %role_insertion_order = (
a => 0,
b => 1,
c => 2,
is_deeply({ map { $_->name => $_->insertion_order } map { Foo::Role->meta->get_attribute($_) } Foo::Role->meta->get_attribute_list }, \%role_insertion_order, "right insertion order within the role");
my %class_insertion_order = (
d => 0,
a => 1,
b => 2,
c => 3,
e => 4,
{ local $TODO = "insertion order is lost during role application";
is_deeply({ map { $_->name => $_->insertion_order } Foo->meta->get_all_attributes }, \%class_insertion_order, "right insertion order within the class");