Params::Coerce - Allows your classes to do coercion of parameters
# Coerce a object of class Foo to a Bar
my $bar = Params::Coerce::coerce('Bar', $Foo)
# Create a coercion param function
use Params::Coerce '_Bar' => 'Bar';
my $bar = _Bar($Foo);
# Usage when Bar has a 'from' method
my $bar = Bar->from($Foo);
Real world example using HTML::Location.
# My class needs a URI
package Web::Spider;
use URI;
use Params::Coerce 'coerce';
sub new {
my $class = shift;
# Where do we start spidering
my $start = coerce('URI', shift) or die "Wasn't passed a URI";
bless { root => $start }, $class;
# Now we can do the following
# Pass a URI as normal
my $URI = URI->new('');
my $Spider1 = Web::Spider->new( $URI );
# We can also pass anything that can be coerced into being a URI
my $Website = HTML::Location->new( '/home/adam/public_html', '' );
my $Spider2 = Web::Spider->new( $Website );
A big part of good API design is that we should be able to be flexible
in the ways that we take parameters.
Params::Coerce attempts to encourage this, by making it easier to take a
variety of different arguments, while adding negligable additional
complexity to your code.
What is Coercion
"Coercion" in computing terms generally referse to "implicit type
conversion". This is where data and object are converted from one type
to another behind the scenes, and you just just magically get what you
The overload pragma, and its string overloading is the form of coercion
you are most likely to have encountered in Perl programming. In this
case, your object is automatically (within perl itself) coerced into a
"Params::Coerce" is intended for higher-order coercion between various
types of different objects, for use mainly in subroutine and (mostly)
method parameters, particularly on external APIs.
__as_Another_Class Methods
At the heart of "Params::Coerce" is the ability to transform objects
from one thing to another. This can be done by a variety of different
The prefered mechanism for this is by creating a specially named method
in a class that indicates it can be coerced into another type of object.
As an example, HTML::Location provides an object method that returns an
equivalent URI object.
# In the package HTML::Location
# Coerce to a URI
sub __as_URI {
my $self = shift;
return URI->new( $self->uri );
__from_Another_Class Methods
From version 0.04 of "Params::Coerce", you may now also provide
__from_Another_Class methods as well. In the above example, rather then
having to define a method in HTML::Location, you may instead define one
in URI. The following code has an identical effect.
# In the package URI
# Coerce from a HTML::Location
sub __from_HTML_Location {
my $Location = shift;
return URI->new( $Location->uri );
"Params::Coerce" will only look for the __from method, if it does not
find a __as method.
Loading Classes
One thing to note with the "__as_Another_Class" methods is that you are
not required to load the class you are converting to in the class you
are converting from.
In the above example, HTML::Location does not have to load the URI
class. The need to load the classes for every object we might some day
need to be coerced to would result in highly excessive resource usage.
Instead, "Params::Coerce" guarentees that the class you are converting
to "will" be loaded before it calls the __as_Another_Class method. Of
course, in most situations you will have already loaded it for another
purpose in either the From or To classes and this won't be an issue.
If you make use of some class other than the class you are being coerced
to in the __as_Another_Class method, you will need to make sure that is
loaded in your code, but it is suggested that you do it at run-time with
a "require" if you are not using it already elsewhere.
Coercing a Parameter
The most explicit way of accessing the coercion functionality is with
the Params::Coerce::coerce function. It takes as its first argument the
name of the class you wish to coerce to, followed by the parameter to
which you wish to apply the coercion.
package My::Class;
use URI ();
use Params::Coerce '_URI' => 'URI';
sub new {
my $class = shift;
# Take a URI argument
my $URI = Params::Coerce::coerce('URI', shift) or return;
For people doing procedural programming, you may also import this
# Import the coerce function
use Params::Coerce 'coerce';
Please note thatThe "coerce|Params::Coerce" function is the only
function that can be imported, and that the two argument pragma (or the
passing of two or more arguments to ->import) means something different
Importing Parameter Coercion Methods
The second way of using Params::Coerce, and the more common one for
Object-Oriented programming, is to create method specifically for taking
parameters in a coercing manner.
package My::Class;
use URI ();
use Params::Coerce '_URI' => 'URI';
sub new {
my $class = shift;
# Take a URI as parameter
my $URI1 = $class->_URI(shift) or return;
my $URI2 = _URI(shift) or return;
The "from" Constructor
From version 0.11 of "Params::Coerce", an additional mechanism is
available with the importable "from" constructor.
package My::Class;
use Params::Coerce 'from';
package Other::Class;
sub method {
my $self = shift;
my $My = My::Class->from(shift) or die "Bad param";
This is mainly a convenience. The above is equivalent to
package My::Class;
use Params::Coerce 'from' => 'Params::Coerce';
In future versions, this "->from" syntax may also tweak the resolution
order of the coercion.
Chained Coercion
While it is intended that Params::Coerce will eventually support
coercion using multiple steps, like
"<Foo::Bar-"__as_HTML_Location->__as_URI>>, it is not currently capable
of this. At this time only a single coercion step is supported.
coerce $class, $param
The "coerce" function takes a class name and a single parameter and
attempts to coerce the parameter into the intended class, or one of its
Please note that it is the responsibility of the consuming class to
ensure that the class you wish to coerce to is loaded. "coerce" will
check this and die is it is not loaded.
Returns an instance of the class you specify, or one of its subclasses.
Returns "undef" if the parameter cannot be coerced into the class you
- Write more unit tests
- Implement chained coercion
- Provide a way to coerce to string, int, etc that is compatible with
overload and other types of things.
Bugs should always be submitted via the CPAN bug tracker
For other issues, contact the maintainer
Adam Kennedy <>
Copyright 2004 - 2006 Adam Kennedy.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
with this module.