Over the three years that I've owned Statistics::Descriptive I've often
wondered how users of the module feel about it. I would appreciate it
if you would answer the following questions:
1) What do you use Statistics::Descriptive for?
(This is something that always amazes me. I think the coolest
app so far is summarizing web server performance for the 1998
Olympics in Atlanta)
2) On what platform do you use Perl and Statistics::Descriptive?
3) Is the manpage helpful? (If not, please explain why).
4) Do you use the caching for Full method outputs such as
5) Is there anything really annoying about Statistics::Descriptive?
(aside from flakiness from the maintainer like surveys and bad releases)
6) Is there anything missing from Statistics::Descriptive?
(I inherited it from Jason Kastner because I wanted to add a few
features and he didn't have time to maintain the module anymore.
After v2.2, any new features (2-3) that were added have come from
requests from users.)
7) Any other comments you'd like to make that I haven't asked about?