# csv-check: Check validity of CSV file and report
# (m)'17 [24 Nov 2017] Copyright H.M.Brand 2007-2019
# This code requires the defined-or feature and PerlIO
use 5.12.0;
use warnings;
use Data::Peek;
use Encode qw( decode );
our $VERSION = "2.01"; # 2017-11-24
my $cmd = $0; $cmd =~ s{.*/}{};
sub usage {
my $err = shift and select STDERR;
print <<"EOU";
usage: $cmd [-s <sep>] [-q <quot>] [-e <esc>] [-u] [--pp] [file.csv]
-s <sep> use <sep> as seperator char. Auto-detect, default = ','
The string "tab" is allowed.
-e <esc> use <sep> as seperator char. Auto-detect, default = ','
The string "undef" is allowed.
-q <quot> use <quot> as quotation char. Default = '"'
The string "undef" will disable quotation.
-u check if all fields are valid unicode
-E <enc> open file with encoding
-h check with header (implies BOM)
-b check with BOM (no header)
-f do not check formula's
--pp use Text::CSV_PP instead (cross-check)
exit $err;
} # usage
use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling);
my $sep; # Set after reading first line in a flurry attempt to auto-detect
my $quo = '"';
my $esc = '"';
my $opt_u = 0;
my $opt_p = 0;
my $opt_h = 0;
my $opt_b = 0;
my $opt_f = 0;
my $enc;
GetOptions (
"help|?" => sub { usage (0); },
"V|version" => sub { print "$cmd [$VERSION]\n"; exit 0; },
"c|s|sep=s" => \$sep,
"q|quo|quote=s" => \$quo,
"e|esc|escape=s" => \$esc,
"u|utf|utf8|utf-8!" => \$opt_u,
"E|enc|encoding=s" => \$enc,
"h|hdr|header!" => \$opt_h,
"b|bom!" => \$opt_b,
"f|skip-formula!" => \$opt_f,
"pp!" => \$opt_p,
) or usage (1);
my $csvmod = "Text::CSV_XS";
if ($opt_p) {
require Text::CSV_PP;
$csvmod = "Text::CSV_PP";
else {
require Text::CSV_XS;
$csvmod->import ();
my $fn = $ARGV[0] // "-";
my $data = do { local $/; <> } or die "No data to analyze\n";
my @warn;
my ($bin, $rows, $eol, %cols) = (0, 0, undef);
unless ($sep) { # No sep char passed, try to auto-detect;
my ($first_line) = ($data =~ m/\A(.*?)(?:\r\n|\n|\r)/);
$first_line ||= $data; # if no EOL at all, use whole set
$sep = $first_line =~ m/["\d],["\d,]/ ? "," :
$first_line =~ m/["\d];["\d;]/ ? ";" :
$first_line =~ m/["\d]\t["\d]/ ? "\t" :
# If neither, then for unquoted strings
$first_line =~ m/\w,[\w,]/ ? "," :
$first_line =~ m/\w;[\w;]/ ? ";" :
$first_line =~ m/\w\t[\w]/ ? "\t" : ",";
$data =~ m/([\r\n]+)\Z/ and $eol = DDisplay "$1";
my $csv = $csvmod->new ({
sep_char => $sep eq "tab" ? "\t" : $sep,
quote_char => $quo eq "undef" ? undef : $quo,
escape_char => $esc eq "undef" ? undef : $esc,
binary => 1,
keep_meta_info => 1,
auto_diag => 1,
formula => $opt_f ? "none" : "diag",
sub done {
my $file = $ARGV // "STDIN";
(my $pv = "$]0000000") =~ s{^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]{3})([0-9]{3})[0-9]*}
{sprintf "%d.%d.%d",$1,$2,$3}e;
my $uv = eval {
no warnings;
(my $cv = $]) =~ s/0+$//;
eval { require Unicode::UCD; Unicode::UCD::UnicodeVersion () } ||
eval { require Module::CoreList; $Module::CoreList::version{$cv}{Unicode} };
} || "unknown";
print "Checked $file with $cmd $VERSION\nusing $csvmod @{[$csvmod->VERSION]} with perl $pv and Unicode $uv\n";
my @diag = $csv->error_diag;
if ($diag[0] == 2012 && $csv->eof) {
my @coll = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %cols;
local $" = ", ";
my $cols = @coll == 1 ? $coll[0] : "(@coll)";
$eol //= $csv->eol || "--unknown--";
print "OK: rows: $rows, columns: $cols\n";
print " sep = <$sep>, quo = <$quo>, bin = <$bin>, eol = <$eol>\n";
print " encoding = $csv->{ENCODING}\n" if $csv->{ENCODING};
if (@coll > 1) {
print "multiple column lengths:\n";
printf " %6d line%s with %4d field%s\n",
$cols{$_}, $cols{$_} == 1 ? " " : "s",
$_, $_ == 1 ? "" : "s"
for @coll;
$diag[0] = 0;
elsif ($diag[2]) {
print "$ARGV record $diag[3] at line $./$diag[2] - $diag[0] - $diag[1]\n";
my $ep = $diag[2] - 1; # diag[2] is 1-based
my $err = $csv->error_input . " ";
substr $err, $ep + 1, 0, "*";
substr $err, $ep, 0, "*";
($err = substr $err, $ep - 5, 12) =~ s/ +$//;
print " |$err|\n";
else {
print "$ARGV line $. - $diag[1]\n";
print for @warn;
exit $diag[0];
} # done
sub stats {
my $r = shift;
$cols{scalar @$r}++;
grep { $_ & 0x0002 } $csv->meta_info and $bin = 1;
if ($opt_u) {
my @r = @$r;
foreach my $x (0 .. $#r) {
utf8::is_utf8 ($r[$x]) and next;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
(my $msg = shift) =~ s{ at /\S+Encode.pm.*}{};
my @h = $csv->column_names;
push @warn, sprintf "Field %d%s in record %d - '%s'\t- %s",
$x + 1, @h ? " (column: '$h[$x]')" : "", $rows,
DPeek ($r[$x]), $msg;
my $oct = decode ("utf-8", $r[$x], Encode::FB_WARN);
} # stats
my $mode = $enc ? "<:encoding($enc)" : "<";
open my $fh, $mode, \$data or die "$fn: $!\n";
if ($opt_h) {
$csv->header ($fh);
elsif ($opt_b) {
my @hdr = $csv->header ($fh, { detect_bom => 1, set_column_names => 0 });
stats \@hdr;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_; };
while (my $row = $csv->getline ($fh)) {
stats $row;