# style.pl
use vars qw/$TOP/;
sub style {
# Create a top-level window with a text widget that demonstrates
# the various display styles that are available in texts.
my($demo) = @_;
$TOP = $MW->WidgetDemo(
-name => $demo,
-text =>'',
-title => 'Text Demonstration - Display Styles',
-iconname => 'style',
eval { # eval, in case fonts already exist
$TOP->fontCreate(qw/C_small -family courier -size 10/);
$TOP->fontCreate(qw/C_big -family courier -size 14 -weight bold/);
$TOP->fontCreate(qw/C_vbig -family helvetica -size 24 -weight bold/);
$TOP->fontCreate(qw/C_bold -family courier -size 12 -weight bold
-slant italic/);
my $t = $TOP->Scrolled(qw/Text -setgrid true -width 70 -height 32
-font normal -wrap word -scrollbars e/);
$t->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
# Set up display styles.
$t->tag(qw/configure bold -font C_bold/);
$t->tag(qw/configure big -font C_big/);
$t->tag(qw/configure verybig -font C_vbig/);
if ($TOP->depth > 1) {
$t->tag(qw/configure color1 -background/ => '#a0b7ce');
$t->tag(qw/configure color2 -foreground red/);
$t->tag(qw/configure raised -relief raised -borderwidth 1/);
$t->tag(qw/configure sunken -relief sunken -borderwidth 1/);
} else {
$t->tag(qw/configure color1 -background black -foreground white/);
$t->tag(qw/configure color2 -background black -foreground white/);
$t->tag(qw/configure raised -background white -relief raised -bd 1/);
$t->tag(qw/configure sunken -background white -relief sunken -bd 1/);
$t->tag(qw/configure bgstipple -background black -borderwidth 0
-bgstipple gray12/);
$t->tag(qw/configure fgstipple -fgstipple gray50/);
$t->tag(qw/configure underline -underline on/);
$t->tag(qw/configure overstrike -overstrike on/);
$t->tag(qw/configure right -justify right/);
$t->tag(qw/configure center -justify center/);
$t->tag(qw/configure super -offset 4p -font C_small/);
$t->tag(qw/configure sub -offset -2p -font C_small/);
$t->tag(qw/configure margins -lmargin1 12m -lmargin2 6m -rmargin 10m/);
$t->tag(qw/configure spacing -spacing1 10p -spacing2 2p
-lmargin1 12m -lmargin2 6m -rmargin 10m/);
$t->insert('0.0', 'Text widgets like this one allow you to display ' .
'information in a variety of styles. Display styles are ' .
'controlled using a mechanism called ');
$t->insert('insert', 'tags', 'bold');
$t->insert('insert', '. Tags are just textual names that you can apply ' .
'to one or more ranges of characters within a text widget. ' .
'You can configure tags with various display styles. If ' .
'you do this, then the tagged characters will be displayed ' .
'with the styles you chose. The available display styles ' .
'are: ');
$t->insert('insert', "\n\n1. Font.", 'big');
$t->insert('insert', ' You can choose any X font, ');
$t->insert('insert', 'large', 'verybig');
$t->insert('insert', ' or small.');
$t->insert('insert', "\n\n2. Color.", 'big');
$t->insert('insert', ' You can change either the ');
$t->insert('insert', 'background', 'color1');
$t->insert('insert', ' or ');
$t->insert('insert', 'foreground', 'color2');
$t->insert('insert', "\ncolor, or ");
$t->insert('insert', 'both', ['color1', 'color2']);
$t->insert('insert', '.');
$t->insert('insert', "\n\n3. Stippling.", 'big');
$t->insert('insert', ' You can cause either the ');
$t->insert('insert', 'background', 'bgstipple');
$t->insert('insert', ' or ');
$t->insert('insert', 'foreground', 'fgstipple');
$t->insert('insert', "\ninformation to be drawn with a stipple fill instead of a solid fill.");
$t->insert('insert', "\n\n4. Underlining.", 'big');
$t->insert('insert', ' You can ');
$t->insert('insert', 'underline', 'underline');
$t->insert('insert', ' ranges of text.');
$t->insert('insert', "\n\n5. Overstrikes.", 'big');
$t->insert('insert', " You can ");
$t->insert('insert', "draw lines through", 'overstrike');
$t->insert('insert', " ranges of text.");
$t->insert('insert', "\n\n6. 3-D effects.", ' big');
$t->insert('insert', " You can arrange for the background to be drawn ");
$t->insert('insert', 'with a border that makes characters appear either ');
$t->insert('insert', 'raised', 'raised');
$t->insert('insert', ' or ');
$t->insert('insert', 'sunken', 'sunken');
$t->insert('insert', '.');
$t->insert('insert', "\n\n7. Justification.", 'big');
$t->insert('insert', " You can arrange for lines to be displayed\n");
$t->insert('insert', "left-justified,\n");
$t->insert('insert', "right-justified, or\n", 'right');
$t->insert('insert', "centered.", 'center');
$t->insert('insert', "\n\n8. Superscripts and subscripts." , 'big');
$t->insert('insert', " You can control the vertical ");
$t->insert('insert', "position of text to generate superscript effects " .
"like 10");
$t->insert('insert', "n", 'super');
$t->insert('insert', " or subscript effects like X");
$t->insert('insert', "i", 'sub');
$t->insert('insert', ".");
$t->insert('insert', "\n\n9. Margins.", 'big');
$t->insert('insert', " You can control the amount of extra space left");
$t->insert('insert', " on\neach side of the text:\n");
$t->insert('insert', "This paragraph is an example of the use of ", 'margins');
$t->insert('insert', "margins. It consists of a single line of text ", 'margins');
$t->insert('insert', "that wraps around on the screen. There are two ", 'margins');
$t->insert('insert', "separate left margin values, one for the first ", 'margins');
$t->insert('insert', "display line associated with the text line, ", 'margins');
$t->insert('insert', "and one for the subsequent display lines, which ", 'margins');
$t->insert('insert', "occur because of wrapping. There is also a ", 'margins');
$t->insert('insert', "separate specification for the right margin, ", 'margins');
$t->insert('insert', "which is used to choose wrap points for lines.", 'margins');
$t->insert('insert', "\n\n10. Spacing.", 'big');
$t->insert('insert', " You can control the spacing of lines with three ");
$t->insert('insert', "separate parameters. \"Spacing1\" tells how much ");
$t->insert('insert', "extra space to leave\nabove a line, \"spacing3\" ");
$t->insert('insert', "tells how much space to leave below a line,\nand ");
$t->insert('insert', "if a text line wraps, \"spacing2\" tells how much ");
$t->insert('insert', "space to leave\nbetween the display lines that ");
$t->insert('insert', "make up the text line.\n");
$t->insert('insert', "These indented paragraphs illustrate how spacing ", 'spacing');
$t->insert('insert', "can be used. Each paragraph is actually a ", 'spacing');
$t->insert('insert', "single line in the text widget, which is ", 'spacing');
$t->insert('insert', "word-wrapped by the widget.\n", 'spacing');
$t->insert('insert', "Spacing1 is set to 10 points for this text, ", 'spacing');
$t->insert('insert', "which results in relatively large gaps between ", 'spacing');
$t->insert('insert', "the paragraphs. Spacing2 is set to 2 points, ", 'spacing');
$t->insert('insert', "which results in just a bit of extra space ", 'spacing');
$t->insert('insert', "within a pararaph. Spacing3 isn't used ", 'spacing');
$t->insert('insert', "in this example.\n", 'spacing');
$t->insert('insert', "To see where the space is, select ranges of ", 'spacing');
$t->insert('insert', "text within these paragraphs. The selection ", 'spacing');
$t->insert('insert', "highlight will cover the extra space.", 'spacing');
$t->mark(qw/set insert 0.0/);
} # end style