## dynarows.tcl
## This demos shows the use of the validation mechanism of the table
## and uses the table's cache (no -command or -variable) with a cute
## dynamic row routine.
## jeff.hobbs@acm.org
## Converted to perl/tk by John Cerney
use Tk;
use Tk::TableMatrix;
use Date::Parse;
use Date::Format;
my $top = MainWindow->new;
my $t = $top->Scrolled('TableMatrix', -rows => 2, -cols => 3, -cache => 1,
-selecttype => 'row',
-titlerows => 1, -titlecols => 1,
-height => 5,
-autoclear => 1,
$t->configure( -browsecommand => sub{
my ($index) = @_;
my $val = $t->get($index);
return unless $val;
my ($row,$col) = split(",",$index);
## Entries in the last row are allowed to be empty
my $nrows = $t->cget(-rows);
if( ($row == ($nrows-1)) && $val eq ''){ return; };
return if( $row == 0 || $col == 0); #don't check the title row/cols
my $timenumber;
# try to parse date from value in cell
$timenumber = str2time($val);
if( !$timenumber || !$val){ # not a valid date:
print "'$val' is not a valid date\n";
# Convert to a common date format
my $date;
$date = time2str("%m/%d/%Y",$timenumber);
if( $row == ($nrows-1) ){
## if this is the last row and both cols 1 && 2 are not empty
## then add a row and redo configs
if( $t->get("$row,1") ne '' &&
$t->get("$row,2") ne ''){
$t->tagRow('', $row);
$t->set("$row,0", $row);
$t->configure( -rows => ++$nrows);
$t->tagRow('unset', ++$row);
$t->set("0,1" => "Begin", "0,2" => 'End', "1,0"=>"*");
# hideous Color definitions here:
$t->tagConfigure('unset', -fg => '#008811');
$t->tagConfigure('title', -fg => 'red');
$t->tagRow('unset', 1);
$t->colWidth( 0 => 3);
my $label = $top->Label(-text => "Dynamic Date Validated Rows");
$label->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
$t->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
# Bindings:
# Make the active area move after we press return:
# We Have to use class binding here so that we override
# the default return binding
$t->bind('Tk::TableMatrix','<Return>', sub{
my $r = $t->index('active', 'row');
my $c = $t->index('active', 'col');
if( $c == 2){
# Make enter do the same thing as return:
$t->bind('<KP_Enter>', $t->bind('<Return>'));