shell bypass 403
<?php defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die();
* Create a generic read more text with link for help texts.
* @param string $url
* @param bool $add_space
* @return string
function rsssl_le_read_more( $url, $add_character = ' ' ) {
$html = sprintf( __( "For more information, please read this %sarticle%s",
'really-simple-ssl' ), '<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="' . $url . '">',
'</a>' );
if ( is_string($add_character) ) {
$html = $add_character . $html;
return $html;
* Check if we need to use DNS verification
* @return bool
function rsssl_dns_verification_required(){
if ( get_option('rsssl_manually_changed_verification_type') ) {
return rsssl_get_option( 'verification_type' ) === 'dns';
* If our current hosting provider does not allow or require local SSL certificate generation,
* We do not need to DNS verification either.
if ( !rsssl_do_local_lets_encrypt_generation() ) {
return false;
if ( rsssl_get_option('verification_type')==='dns' ) {
return true;
if ( rsssl_wildcard_certificate_required() ) {
//if the user hasn't manually forced the verification type to anything else, we set it to dns now.
//otherwise we get a difference between this requirement, and the actual verification type that could be 'dir'
if ( !get_option('rsssl_manually_changed_verification_type') && rsssl_get_option('verification_type')!=='dns' ) {
rsssl_update_option('verification_type', 'dns');
return true;
return false;
if ( !function_exists('rsssl_is_cpanel')) {
* Check if we're on CPanel
* @return bool
function rsssl_is_cpanel() {
$open_basedir = ini_get("open_basedir");
if ( empty($open_basedir) && file_exists( "/usr/local/cpanel" ) ) {
return true;
} else if (rsssl_check_port(2082)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if (!function_exists('rsssl_cpanel_api_supported')) {
* Check if CPanel supports the api
* @return bool
function rsssl_cpanel_api_supported() {
if ( rsssl_is_cpanel() ) {
return true;
return !rsssl_openbasedir_restriction("/usr/local/cpanel/php/cpanel.php") && file_exists( "/usr/local/cpanel/php/cpanel.php" );
if (!function_exists('rsssl_activated_by_default')) {
* Check if the host has ssl, activated by default
* @return bool
function rsssl_activated_by_default() {
$activated_by_default = false;
$activated_by_default_hosts = RSSSL_LE()->hosts->activated_by_default;
$current_host = rsssl_get_other_host();
if ( in_array( $current_host, $activated_by_default_hosts ) ) {
$activated_by_default = true;
return $activated_by_default;
if ( !function_exists('rsssl_openbasedir_restriction')) {
function rsssl_openbasedir_restriction( string $path): bool {
// Default error handler is required
// Clean last error info.
// Testing...
// Restore previous error handler
// Return `true` if error has occurred
return ($error = error_get_last()) && $error['message'] !== '__clean_error_info';
if (!function_exists('rsssl_activation_required')) {
* Check if the host has ssl, activation required
* @return bool
function rsssl_activation_required() {
$dashboard_activation_required = false;
$dashboard_activation_required_hosts = RSSSL_LE()->hosts->dashboard_activation_required;
$current_host = rsssl_get_other_host();
if ( in_array( $current_host, $dashboard_activation_required_hosts ) ) {
$dashboard_activation_required = true;
return $dashboard_activation_required;
if (!function_exists('rsssl_paid_only')) {
* Check if the host has ssl, paid only
* @return bool
function rsssl_paid_only() {
$paid_only = false;
$paid_only_hosts = RSSSL_LE()->hosts->paid_only;
$current_host = rsssl_get_other_host();
if ( in_array( $current_host, $paid_only_hosts ) ) {
$paid_only = true;
return $paid_only;
if ( !function_exists('rsssl_is_plesk')) {
* @return false
function rsssl_is_plesk() {
if ( get_option('rsssl_hosting_dashboard')==='plesk' ){
return true;
//cpanel takes precedence, as it's more precise
if ( rsssl_is_cpanel() ) {
return false;
$open_basedir = ini_get("open_basedir");
if ( empty($open_basedir) && is_dir( '/usr/local/psa' ) ) {
return true;
} else if (rsssl_check_port(8443)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if ( !function_exists('rsssl_is_directadmin')) {
* @return bool
function rsssl_is_directadmin() {
if ( get_option('rsssl_hosting_dashboard')==='directadmin' ){
return true;
//cpanel takes precedence, as it's more precise
if ( rsssl_is_cpanel() ) {
return false;
if ( rsssl_is_plesk() ) {
return false;
if (rsssl_check_port(2222)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* @param int $port
* @return bool
function rsssl_check_port( $port)
$port_check_status = get_option("rsssl_port_check_$port");
if ( !function_exists('fsockopen') || $port_check_status === 'fail' ) {
return false;
$ipAddress = gethostbyname('localhost');
$link = @fsockopen( $ipAddress, $port, $errno, $error, 5 );
if ( $link ) {
update_option("rsssl_port_check_$port", 'success', false);
return true;
update_option("rsssl_port_check_$port", 'fail', false);
return false;
if ( !function_exists('rsssl_get_other_host') ) {
* Get the selected hosting provider, if any.
* @return bool|string
function rsssl_get_other_host() {
return rsssl_get_option( 'other_host_type', false );
* Add some information to the javascript
* @param array $args
* @return array
function rsssl_le_localize_script($args){
$hosting_dashboard = 'other';
if ( rsssl_is_cpanel() ) $hosting_dashboard = 'cpanel';
if ( rsssl_is_directadmin() ) $hosting_dashboard = 'directadmin';
if ( rsssl_is_plesk() ) $hosting_dashboard = 'plesk';
$args['hosting_dashboard'] = $hosting_dashboard;
return $args;
add_filter("rsssl_localize_script", 'rsssl_le_localize_script', 10, 3);
if ( !function_exists('rsssl_progress_add')) {
* @param string $item
function rsssl_progress_add( $item ) {
$progress = get_option( "rsssl_le_installation_progress", array() );
if ( ! in_array( $item, $progress ) ) {
$progress[] = $item;
update_option( "rsssl_le_installation_progress", $progress, false );
if ( !function_exists('rsssl_uses_known_dashboard')) {
* Check if website uses any of the known dashboards.
function rsssl_uses_known_dashboard( ) {
if ( rsssl_is_cpanel() || rsssl_is_plesk() || rsssl_is_directadmin() ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if ( !function_exists('rsssl_is_ready_for')) {
* @param string $item
function rsssl_is_ready_for( $item ) {
if ( !rsssl_do_local_lets_encrypt_generation() ) {
if ( !rsssl_dns_verification_required() ) {
if (empty(rsssl_get_not_completed_steps($item))){
return true;
} else{
return false;
function rsssl_get_not_completed_steps($item){
$sequence = array_column( rsssl_le_steps(), 'id');
//drop first
//drop all statuses after $item. We only need to know if all previous ones have been completed
$index = array_search($item, $sequence);
$sequence = array_slice($sequence, 0, $index, true);
$not_completed = array();
$finished = get_option("rsssl_le_installation_progress", array());
foreach ($sequence as $status ) {
if (!in_array($status, $finished)) {
$not_completed[] = $status;
return $not_completed;
if ( !function_exists('rsssl_progress_remove')) {
* @param string $item
function rsssl_progress_remove( $item ) {
$progress = get_option( "rsssl_le_installation_progress", array() );
if ( in_array( $item, $progress ) ) {
$index = array_search( $item, $progress );
unset( $progress[ $index ] );
update_option( "rsssl_le_installation_progress", $progress, false );
if ( !function_exists('rsssl_do_local_lets_encrypt_generation')) {
* Check if the setup requires local certificate generation
* @return bool
function rsssl_do_local_lets_encrypt_generation() {
$not_local_cert_hosts = RSSSL_LE()->hosts->not_local_certificate_hosts;
$current_host = rsssl_get_other_host();
if ( in_array( $current_host, $not_local_cert_hosts ) ) {
return false;
return true;
if ( !function_exists('rsssl_get_manual_instructions_text')) {
* Manual installation instructions
* @param string $url
* @return string
function rsssl_get_manual_instructions_text( $url ) {
$default_url = rsssl_link('install-ssl-certificate');
$dashboard_activation_required = rsssl_activation_required();
$activated_by_default = rsssl_activated_by_default();
$paid_only = rsssl_paid_only();
$button_activate = '<br><a href="' . $default_url . '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="button button-primary">' . __( "Instructions", "really-simple-ssl" ) . '</a> ';
$button_complete = '<br><a href="' . $default_url . '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="button button-primary">' . __( "Instructions", "really-simple-ssl" ) . '</a> ';
if ( $url === $default_url ) {
$complete_manually = sprintf( __( "Please complete manually in your hosting dashboard.", "really-simple-ssl" ), '<a target="_blank" href="' . $url . '">', '</a>' );
$activate_manually = sprintf( __( "Please activate it manually on your hosting dashboard.", "really-simple-ssl" ), '<a target="_blank" href="' . $url . '">', '</a>' );
} else {
$complete_manually = sprintf( __( "Please complete %smanually%s", "really-simple-ssl" ), '<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="' . $url . '">', '</a>' );
$activate_manually = sprintf( __( "Please activate it on your dashboard %smanually%s", "really-simple-ssl" ), '<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="' . $url . '">', '</a>' );
$button_activate .= '<a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="button button-primary">' . __( "Go to activation", "really-simple-ssl" ) . '</a>';
$button_complete .= '<a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="button button-primary">' . __( "Go to installation", "really-simple-ssl" ) . '</a>';
if ( $activated_by_default ) {
= sprintf( __( "According to our information, your hosting provider supplies your account with an SSL certificate by default. Please contact your %shosting support%s if this is not the case.",
"really-simple-ssl" ), '<a target="_blank "rel="noopener noreferrer" href="' . $url . '">', '</a>' ) . ' ' .
__( "After completing the installation, you can continue to the next step to complete your configuration.", "really-simple-ssl" );
} else if ( $dashboard_activation_required ) {
$msg = __( "You already have free SSL on your hosting environment.", "really-simple-ssl" ) . ' ' .
$activate_manually . ' ' .
__( "After completing the installation, you can continue to the next step to complete your configuration.", "really-simple-ssl" )
. $button_activate;
} else if ( $paid_only ) {
= sprintf( __( "According to our information, your hosting provider does not allow any kind of SSL installation, other then their own paid certificate. For an alternative hosting provider with SSL, see this %sarticle%s.",
"really-simple-ssl" ), '<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href='.rsssl_link("hosting-providers-with-free-ssl").'>', '</a>' );
} else {
$msg = __( "Your hosting environment does not allow automatic SSL installation.", "really-simple-ssl" ) . ' ' .
$complete_manually . ' ' .
sprintf( __( "You can follow these %sinstructions%s.", "really-simple-ssl" ), '<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="' . $default_url . '">', '</a>' ) . ' ' .
__( "After completing the installation, you can continue to the next step to complete your configuration.", "really-simple-ssl" )
. $button_complete;
return $msg;
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'rsssl_set_activation_time_stamp' );
if ( ! function_exists( 'rsssl_set_activation_time_stamp' ) ) {
function rsssl_set_activation_time_stamp( $networkwide ) {
update_option( 'rsssl_activation_time', time(), false );
if ( ! function_exists( 'rsssl_array_filter_multidimensional' ) ) {
function rsssl_array_filter_multidimensional(
$array, $filter_key, $filter_value
) {
$new = array_filter( $array,
function ( $var ) use ( $filter_value, $filter_key ) {
return isset( $var[ $filter_key ] ) ? ( $var[ $filter_key ]
== $filter_value )
: false;
} );
return $new;
if ( !function_exists('rsssl_is_subdomain') ) {
* Check if we're on a subdomain.
* If this is a www domain, we return false
function rsssl_is_subdomain(){
$domain = rsssl_get_domain();
if ( strpos($domain, 'www.') !== false ) return false;
$root = rsssl_get_root_domain($domain);
if ($root === $domain ) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
if ( !function_exists('rsssl_get_root_domain') ) {
* Get root domain of a domain
function rsssl_get_root_domain($domain){
$sub = strtolower(trim($domain));
$count = substr_count($sub, '.');
if($count === 2){
if(strlen(explode('.', $sub)[1]) > 3) $sub = explode('.', $sub, 2)[1];
} else if($count > 2){
$sub = rsssl_get_root_domain(explode('.', $sub, 2)[1]);
return $sub;
if ( ! function_exists( 'rsssl_get_domain' ) ) {
* Get current domain
* @return string
function rsssl_get_domain() {
//Get current domain
$domain = site_url();
//Parse to strip off any /subfolder/
$parse = parse_url($domain);
$domain = $parse['host'];
$domain = str_replace(array('http://', 'https://' ), '', $domain);
return $domain;
function rsssl_insert_after_key($array, $key, $items){
$keys = array_keys($array);
$key = array_search($key, $keys);
$array = array_slice($array, 0, $key, true) +
$items +
array_slice($array, 3, count($array)-3, true);
return $array;
if ( !function_exists('rsssl_wildcard_certificate_required') ) {
* Check if the site requires a wildcard
* @return bool
function rsssl_wildcard_certificate_required() {
//if DNS verification, create wildcard.
if ( rsssl_get_option('verification_type') === 'dns' ) {
return true;
if ( ! is_multisite() ) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if ( !function_exists('rsssl_can_install_shell_addon') ) {
* check if this environment has shell capability
* @return bool
function rsssl_can_install_shell_addon(){
//if not cpanel
if ( !rsssl_is_cpanel() ) {
return false;
//if already installed
if (defined('rsssl_shell_path')){
return false;
if ( function_exists('shell_exec') || function_exists('system') || function_exists('passthru') || function_exists('exec') ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if ( !function_exists('rsssl_generated_by_rsssl')) {
* If a bundle generation is completed, this value is set to true.
* @return bool
function rsssl_generated_by_rsssl() {
return get_option( 'rsssl_le_certificate_generated_by_rsssl' );
* Checks if a CAA DNS record is preventing the use of Let's Encrypt for the current site.
* @return bool Returns true if a CAA DNS record exists and does not allow Let's Encrypt, false otherwise.
if ( ! function_exists( 'rsssl_caa_record_prevents_le' ) ) {
function rsssl_caa_record_prevents_le(): bool {
// Get DNS CAA records for site_url()
$caa_records = dns_get_record( parse_url( site_url(), PHP_URL_HOST ), DNS_CAA );
// If no CAA records found, return false
if ( empty( $caa_records ) ) {
return false;
// Check if the CAA record contains
$caa_contains_le = false;
foreach ( $caa_records as $caa_record ) {
if ( strpos( $caa_record['value'], '' ) !== false ) {
$caa_contains_le = true;
// If the CAA record is set, but does not contain, return true;
if ( ! $caa_contains_le ) {
return true;
// CAA record contains Let's Encrypt, generation allowed
return false;